In the Australian Bushwalk at the Zoo there is one member of our Quokka group that may stand out from the others, our young joey that still has some growing to do!

The young female is just over a year old and was recently introduced to five other Rottnest Island quokkas.

Perth Zoo Senior Keeper Steve Catwell said: “Very quickly she settled right in with them and now she feeds together with them in the mornings and afternoons, she really seems to be a part of the crew.”

“Female joeys are usually weaned from them mums after nine months, so while mum remains behind the scenes as part of our co-ordinated breeding program, this little one is following the lead of our other girls.”

If you are looking out for our Quokka joey these winter school holidays, she will be easy to spot as she is much smaller than the others.

Before our young Quokka could be moved into the bushwalk, she was given a thorough health check at our vet department.

Perth Zoo Veterinarian, Peter Ricci said: “Quokkas are really great to treat because they are generally more placid than some of the other animals.”

“They are generally a cute little patient!”

With a clean bill of health, the young joey was also microchipped so that her vets and keepers can identify her as needed once she grows to full size.

You can visit our Quokkas at the top end of our Australian Bushwalk, but there are a few other Zoo babies to spot along the way.

“The winter school holidays is the perfect time to visit to see lots of marsupial joeys,” Steve said.

“We also have koala, kangaroo and wallaby babies that will be popping out of the pouch this season.”

Check out the video of our Quokka joey to find out keeper Steve’s favourite thing about these unique mammals.