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No-one knows why, but the length of a potoroo's nose increases the further south you go.

Description: The Long-nosed Potoroo is about the size of a small rabbit. It has brown-grey fur and a pale grey belly fringed with brown-red. It has small, rounded ears and a sparsely-furred tail 18–24 cm long. It hops like a kangaroo when startled.

Diet: The Long-nosed Potoroo is an omnivore that mainly feeds on fungi. It also eats tubers, arthropods such as centipedes, seeds, fruit and green vegetation.

In the wild: This marsupial breeds and forages under dense plant cover to avoid predators. It forms nests out of vegetation and creates paths through the undergrowth.
This nocturnal feeder is closely related to Australia’s most endangered mammal, Gilbert’s Potoroo. Long-nosed Potoroos are being studied to gain a better understanding of the reproductive biology of Gilbert’s Potoroo, which is found only in Two People’s Bay Nature Reserve, near Albany in Western Australia.

Threats: The Long-nosed Potoroo was considered a pest by early crop farmers. Foxes, feral cats, land-clearing and natural disasters, including bush fires, are threats to the Long-nosed Potoroo.

Did you Know?

Potoroo nose lengths increase the further south the animal is found.

Nocturnal House
Other Name/s
Rat Kangaroo
Scientific Name
Potorous tridactylus
Conservation Status
Body Length
26–41 cm
660–1640 g
38 days
Number of Young
Tasmania and in patches from coastal south-west Victoria to south-east Queensland
Wet and dense sclerophyll forest, coastal heath woodland
extraMile by Integranet