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Freshwater Crocodiles are smaller, more timid and do not attack people unless provoked.

Description: Freshwater Crocodiles are olive to brown in colour with darker bands on their body and tail, and lighter brown bands on their snout. They have a thick leathery hide and, under the surface of their skin, have bony plates giving them an armour-like protective cover. Freshwater Crocodiles have long narrow snouts, sharp teeth and webbed hind feet.

Diet: Crocodiles are carnivores and eat many types of animals including fish, frogs, turtles, waterbirds, reptiles and small mammals.

In the wild: On land, crocodiles move slowly but in the water they use their tail as a paddle and move very quickly. Crocodiles can also slide in and out of muddy banks at high speed. When under threat, Freshwater Crocodiles raise their bodies and race off into the water.

Threats: The main threats to crocodiles are habitat destruction and the poisonous Cane Toad (which the crocodiles eat with fatal consequences).

Did you Know?

Freshwater Crocodiles are more timid than Estuarine Crocodiles. There is no record of an unprovoked attack on humans by a Freshwater Crocodile.

Australian Wetlands
Scientific Name
Crocodylus johnstoni
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Body Length
1.8–3 m
30–60 kg
65–90 days
Number of Eggs
Northern Australia from the Kimberly to Cape York Peninsula
Rivers, creeks, permanent waterways and billabongs
extraMile by Integranet