National Bird Week has taken flight!

Celebrate with us by learning about the feathered friends you can visit at Perth Zoo!


The purple crown that gives this parrot it’s name actually doesn’t appear until it’s sexually matured!

The younger birds, while still colourful, have less vibrant feathers.  
Once they’re ready for a mate, Purple-crowned Lorikeets are monogamous and always stay close by to each other. They even share the load when it comes to prepping a nesting hollow.
Find them at Perth Zoo in the Birds of the South West.


These strikingly beautiful birds almost never come ashore! When they do, they are a little clumsy, so they much prefer paddling in the water instead of flying. 
The males boast more vibrant green feathers and white cheeks and also have a higher pitched call than females.
Green Pygmy Geese mate for life. During nesting season, the males will do all they can to pretect their nesting mate and once the eggs hatch, he will help to rear the young.
Find them at Perth Zoo in the Australian Wetlands.


These waterbirds are known for their beautiful rich brown and honey coloured feathers.

And if you look closely, you’ll notice their bills are covered in black speckles. Just like your fingerprints, these black dots are totally unique to each bird!
Males and females ducks look quite similar in colour, but you may be able to tell them apart as males are larger with longer feathers. Plumed Whistling Ducks breed in the wet season and tend to bond for life.
Find them at Perth Zoo in the Australian Wetlands.

Stay tuned for more birds to come throughout Bird Week!