Welcome to Perth Zoo

Perth Zoo is administered by the Zoological Parks Authority which is constituted under the authority of the Zoological Parks Authority Act 2001 which came into operation on 22 May 2002. It reports to the Western Australian State Government through the Minister for Environment.

As of 1 July 2017 Perth Zoo became part of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

This department brings together the functions and staff of the Department of Parks and Wildlife, Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority, Rottnest Island Authority and the Zoological Parks Authority.

It is led by Director General Stuart Smith and has a strong emphasis on improving Western Australia’s natural attractions as key tourism assets, and creating opportunities for private sector investment and partnerships while conserving environmental values. Another benefit is that it consolidates conservation science under one department to build and share knowledge of the State’s biodiversity.

The Minister

The Minister responsible for the Zoological Parks Authority and the Zoological Parks Authority Act 2001 is the
Hon Reece Whitby MLA. Minister for Environment; Climate Action. 

The Zoological Parks Authority

The Zoological Parks Authority (‘the Authority’) is a body corporate with perpetual succession. The functions of the Authority, outlined in Section 9 of the Act, include controlling and managing Perth Zoo – in which zoological specimens are kept, displayed and cultivated/bred, for conservation, research, scientific, educational, cultural or recreational purposes. Other specific functions include:

  • conducting (and collaborating in) breeding programs for the preservation of threatened animal species;
  • the conservation and management of non-threatened species;
  • conducting public education and awareness programs;
  • providing and promoting recreational services and facilities at Perth Zoo; and
  • conserving and enhancing the gardens, amenities and natural environment of Perth Zoo.

The Zoo Act and Regulations

In 2002, the new Zoological Parks Authority Act 2001 (the ‘Act’) came into effect and with it were actioned new Zoological Parks Authority Regulations (the ‘Regulations’). These Regulations provide clear guidelines to what behaviour, actions and responsibilities are acceptable within Perth Zoo.

Copies of the Zoological Parks Authority Act 2001 and the companion Zoological Parks Authority Regulations 2002 are available for viewing or purchase from the State Law Publisher. Any enquiries regarding the Act or Regulations can be made to Perth Zoo on 08 9474 0444.

Freedom of Information 

A copy of Perth Zoo’s Freedom of Information Statement is available here:
Perth Zoo Freedom of Information Statement (PDF)

Perth Zoo’s Freedom of Information Application form is available here:
Perth Zoo Freedom of Information Application Form (PDF)

Perth Zoo Board

The Zoological Parks Authority Act 2001 states that the Authority’s Board of Management (the ‘Board’) is the governing body of the Authority and shall comprise eight members appointed by the Minister. Members may be appointed for any term not exceeding four years and are eligible for reappointment.

The Board meets regularly and carries out its responsibilities in line with an approved Code of Conduct for Government Boards and Committees.

The current membership of the Board can been viewed here.

Annual Budget

2024-25 annual estimates of the Zoological Parks Authority

The Zoological Parks Authority (ZPA) amalgamated with other Government agencies to form the new Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions effective from 1 July 2017 but continues as a separate legal entity. As the ZPA is not identifiable within a separate Division of the Consolidated Account Expenditure Estimates of the State Budget, the ZPA’s 2024-25 budget estimates have been prepared and approved in accordance with Section 40 of the Financial Management Act 2006.

In compliance with the Treasurer’s Instructions, the annual estimates for the ZPA are published on the Perth Zoo website following their approval by the Minister and the tabling of the State Budget in Parliament. Actual results will be reported against these estimates in the ZPA 2024-25 Annual Report.

The 2024-25 State Budget for Western Australia was tabled in Parliament on 9 May 2024. The attached provides details of the ZPA annual estimates that form part of the 2024-25 annual estimates of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions at Part 10, Division 42 of the 2024-25 State Budget papers.

The ZPA annual estimates can be viewed here.

Previous Annual Budget Estimates

2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | 2021-2022 | 2020-2021

Perth Zoo Statement of Business Ethics

The Statement of Business Ethics provides guidance for all sectors of the community conducting business with the Zoological Parks Authority.

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP)

The Zoological Parks Authority is calling for feedback as part of the review to its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2021-2025, which has been developed in collaboration with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).

To view and provide feedback, please visit the Disability Access and Inclusion page on the DBCA website here: https://www.dbca.wa.gov.au/disability-access-and-inclusion

Public Interest Disclosures

The Zoological Parks Authority (Perth Zoo) strongly supports disclosures by employees, contractors and members of the public regarding corrupt or improper conduct.

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (the Act) promotes accountability within government agencies by facilitating the disclosure of public interest information involving misconduct, offences, misuse of public resources or risks to public health or safety.  The Act also serves as a means to protect those who make disclosures to appropriate authorities, and those who are the subject of disclosures.

Perth Zoo recognises the value and importance of reporting issues to identify and address potential wrongdoing.  Perth Zoo will respond to disclosures thoroughly and impartially, and treat all people involved in the process fairly, including those who may be the subject of a disclosure.

Perth Zoo’s PID Procedure Guidelines provide further information on how the Zoo deals with and processes public interest disclosures.  A copy of this guide can be obtained upon request.

We strongly encourage anyone thinking about making a public interest disclosure to seek advice from one of the Public Interest Disclosure (PID) Officers listed below, before making a disclosure.  Communications with the PID Officers can be confidential. 

PID Officers

Name Work phone number Email
John Lemon (Perth Zoo) 9474 0304 John.lemon@dbca.wa.gov.au
Jeremy Lim (DBCA)* 9219 9166 Jeremy.lim@dbca.wa.gov.au
Chloe Sellars (DBCA)* 9219 9362 Chloe.sellars@dbca.wa.gov.au
Kathryn Wilkinson (DBCA)* 9219 8779 Kathryn.wilkinson@dbca.wa.gov.au

Those wishing to make a disclosure of public interest information under the Act are encouraged to do so in writing.  The Public Interest Disclosure Lodgement Form is available to assist you with this.  A copy of the form is available by clicking on the link below.

PID Lodgement Form

Forms can be emailed to one of the PID Officers listed above.

Further information and advice on making a public interest disclosure can be found on the Public Sector Commission website at https://publicsector.wa.gov.au/public-administration/official-conduct-and-integrity/public-interest-disclosures

*DBCA – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, of which Perth Zoo is a part of.

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