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Tree kangaroos can leap to the ground from 18 metres up without injury.

Description: This tree kangaroo species has soft reddish-brown fur with golden fur on its limbs, face, underbelly and two stripes that run from its tail up its back. Each individual has a unique pattern of brown and gold stripes on its tail. Tree kangaroos are adapted for climbing trees. Their long tail helps them balance and their strong limbs with rubbery soles help them grip branches. They can also move their hind feet separately, unlike ground-dwelling kangaroos.

Diet: Goodfellow’s Tree Kangaroos are omnivores. Most of the time they feed on leaves, flowers, fruits and insects. They may also occasionally eat eggs and small birds.

In the wild: Tree kangaroos are active in the morning and afternoon, but in areas near human settlements they are mostly nocturnal.

Both male and female Goodfellow’s Tree Kangaroos are territorial, but males have larger home ranges that overlap the territories of several females.

Threats: Tree kangaroos are threatened by habitat destruction and over hunting. Conservation groups are working with local communities to highlight the continuing need for tree kangaroo conservation and the use of alternative food sources. In 2004 a hunting ban on one species of tree kangaroo, the Tenkile, was established. Data has shown a 50% increase in population over a two-year period since the ban was put in place.

Saving Wildlife Together: Alongside our partner the Tenkile Conservation Alliance (TCA), we’re working with local communities in the Torricelli Mountain Range in North West Papua New Guinea. TCA researches the Tenkile and Weimang Tree Kangaroo and conducts education and alternative livelihood projects, as well as supporting community development.

Find out how you can help.

At Perth Zoo: Perth Zoo’s female Goodfellow’s Tree Kangaroos are on display opposite the cassowary exhibit.

Did you Know?

Tree kangaroo joeys can live in the pouch for 8-10 months.

Other Animals
Scientific Name
Dendrolagus goodfellowi
Conservation Status
Body Length
5.9–9.5 kg
45 days
Number of Young
Papua New Guinea
Oak forests in mountainous areas

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