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This dragon's incubation temperature can override genetics!

Description: The Inland Bearded Dragon has a low, wide body shape with elongated spiny scales around its lower jaw, giving it a ‘bearded’ look. While these scales appear spiky, they are actually quite rubbery and flexible. These dragons can be a variety of colours including red, brown and yellow, often matching the colour of the soil in their habitat.

Diet: Inland Bearded Dragons are omnivorous, eating fruits, leaves, insects and small lizards.

In the wild: Females lay their eggs in a shallow nest and leave them to hatch. Although there are genetic differences between males and females, if eggs are incubated in temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius, some genetic males can be born as functional females.

Threats: Land clearing and introduced feral pests such as cats and foxes are threats common to this lizard.

Did you Know?

Despite appearing spiky, the scales that make up this dragon's beard are actually quite rubbery and flexible.

Australian Reptile Encounter
Other Name/s
Central Bearded Dragon
Scientific Name
Pogona vitticeps
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Body Length
30-50 cm
50-65 days
Number of Eggs
Interior of eastern and central Australia
Arid and semi-arid woodlands and scrub
extraMile by Integranet