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Stripes may have evolved to camouflage zebras within a herd but they're terrible camouflage individually.

Description: Zebras are smaller than horses. They have a mane on their neck and a long-haired tail. Zebras have black skin with white fur. Each zebra has its own individual stripe pattern.

Diet: Zebras are herbivores and eat mostly grass.

In the wild: Zebras live in close-knit family groups called a harem with the male controlling the group and protecting it from rivals or predators. Group members rely on each other to look out for danger. Zebras stay close to each other when they migrate in herds of 10,000 or more.

When migrating, zebras slow their pace for weak or young members and never leave them behind.

The zebra’s natural predators are African Lions, Spotted Hyaenas and African Painted Dogs.

Threats: There are three species of zebra: Plains, Grevy’s and Mountain Zebra. The Plains species is common in Africa but its numbers have reduced due to habitat destruction.

Did you Know?

Zebras have several ways of protecting themselves when attacked by predators. The group will huddle together to form a mix of black and white stripes that will confuse the predator that will be unable to tell which end has the head and which end has the tail. The herd may also run away. Zebras can reach speeds of up to 65 kph. As a last resort, zebras can also use their strong hooves and sharp teeth against a predator.

African Savannah
Scientific Name
Equus quagga
Conservation Status
Near Threatened
Body Length
2.2–2.5 m
200–300 kg
11.5 months
Number of Young
Eastern Africa
Open grassy plains

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