With their russet fur, bushy tails and adorable fluffy paws, Nepalese Red Pandas have an undeniable charm!

This International Red Panda Day, we’re taking you behind the scenes for a day in the life of these captivating cuties.


As the first dawn light filters through the trees, our red pandas Sombaar and Maiya stir from their slumber after a cosy night curled up in the tree branches!

Red pandas are crepuscular, which means they are most active during the early mornings and late afternoons.

Until it’s time to wake up, they use their long bushy tails to balance, and like a blanket to stay warm.

Time to get ready for the day!

Much like you and I, one of the first things a red panda does is groom itself!

Grooming is an important part of their routine and helps them to maintain their warm thick coats. 

They use their sharp claws to clean their fur much like a cat would!

This also spreads natural oils throughout their coat giving them an extra layer of protection against the weather.

Breakfast is served

As omnivores, red pandas LOVE to eat bamboo leaves and shoots, and will also eat berries, roots, insects, eggs, and more.

Despite their small size, these petite pandas have a BIG appetite, eating up to 20,000 bamboo leaves a day!

Afternoon naps

Red pandas love a nap, and they can sleep for up to 17 hours a day!

Sleep is super important for red pandas, as they have slow metabolisms, and their preferred bamboo diet doesn’t offer much energy! 

By resting during the warmest part of the day, they can control their temperature and reduce the amount of energy they use.

You can often see our red pandas Sombaar and Maiya resting on a comfy branch in our Asian Rainforest.

While Sombaar favours the lower branches, Maiya is a true treetop champion! Search the canopies to spot our fearless climber.

It’s play-time! 

As the sun goes down red pandas get a second wind! Dusk is one of their most active times, and their most playful selves kick in. 

You might see them playing with leaves, exploring their territory, or practicing their climbing skills. 

The red panda’s approach to life is a reminder to slow down and smell the flowers! 

Whether they’re munching on bamboo leaves or lounging in the trees, they live each day with a relaxed grace.

While our red pandas Sombaar and Maiya have a peaceful life here at Perth Zoo, unfortunately it’s not so relaxing for their wild cousins.

The illegal pet trade, habitat destruction, and poaching are just some of the threats Nepalese Red Pandas are facing as an endangered species, with less than 2500 left in the wild.

That’s why we support the Red Panda Network to stop habitat destruction, rewild red panda habitat, empower local communities, and save our furry friends from panda poachers!

When we protect red pandas, we are also protecting the forests and other wildlife that live in the same place.

You can visit our beautiful red pandas in our Asian Rainforest.

Check out Asian Carnivore Keeper Lisa’s suggested itinerary to help you pack the most into your day, including a stop to say hello to Sombaar and Maiya!