Perth Zoo is home to two species of lemur, the critically endangered Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur and the endangered Ring-tailed Lemur.
Our troops are firm favourites for Perth Zoo visitors, often capturing attention with charismatic behaviours like meditating in the sun, chomping loudly on their vegetables, or showing off their aerial antics.
But beyond delighting our visitors, our incredible lemurs are also important ambassador animals who help to raise awareness for the plight of their cousins in the wild.
All lemurs are endemic to Madagascar, but only 10 percent of their wild rainforest still exists. That means the pressure to survive is incredibly tough.
That’s why as well as caring for them at the Zoo, we our efforts to support them extend well beyond Perth Zoo’s gates in South Perth.
Perth Zoo proudly partners with Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group (MFG), an international organisation that carries out field work to support lemurs in the wild every day.
Here's a special message all the way from Madagascar!
With the help of our community, Perth Zoo has been able to provide ongoing support to MFG, enabling the organisation to train rangers to protect wild land, provide a refuge for native tortoises and eleven species of lemur, and carry out work in Betampona Reserve.
Perth Zoo is one of the most isolated zoos in the world, but we’re committed to making change for wildlife like lemurs beyond our gates and all over the globe.
With the support of the public, we can continue to support local communities, restore ecosystems and save species from extinction.
Fellow lemur-lovers can make a donation here to support this species-saving work here.