This World Environment Day, we're celebrating a native species baby boom!

Behind-the-scenes in the Native Species Breeding Program, our animal carers have been looking after the latest cohort of critically endangered young.
This season, we’re jumping with joy to announce:

​38 critically endangered Western Swamp Tortoises have hatched – and this number is growing daily!


14 endangered Numbat joeys have been counted in pouches.


120 critically endangered White-bellied frogs are maturing. These tiny frogs only grow up to about an inch!  

That’s an incredible 172 new individuals! All of these babies may be small but their conservation impact will be mighty. Once big enough, the young will be released into wild habitat to bolster wild populations.
And with populations of these fragile native species dwindling, every single animal will have a big impact on the future of the species.

And 174 new babies are certainly cause for celebration on World Environment Day!
Perth Zoo’s collaborative Native Species Breeding Program works to safeguard some of our State’s most vulnerable native species, aiming to bolster wild populations with genetically diverse new animals.
Perth Zoo science staff work with scientists in DBCA’s Biodiversity and Conservation Science branch, the Parks and Wildlife Service and with other partners including the Australian Wildlife Conservancy and interstate organisations to release zoo-born animals into wild habitat in WA and around Australia.
Over the years, more than 5,000 Perth Zoo-bred animals across 11 different species have been released back into the wild through this collaborative program.