It's World Wildlife Day!

On the surface, a visit to the Zoo is simply great family day out. 

But scratch that surface just a little and you’ll find your visit funds so much more than what you see within our gates. 
Perth Zoo is one of the most isolated zoos in the world, but that doesn’t stop us from making change in the wild across Australia, Africa, Asia and beyond.

Hear from some of our incredible conservation partners!

With generous community support, we fund programs nationally and internationally that make tangible positive changes for wildlife, wild habitats and local communities.  
In the last financial year alone, we provided more than $155,000 to our global partners, while also providing in-kind support like life-saving medical care for native wild animals.
Here’s just a snapshot of the projects Perth Zoo funds:

1. An anti-poaching patrol unit that actively protects wild dog packs and rescues African Painted Dogs who become trapped in snares in Africa, as well as an education program that empowers local children to protect and conserve habitats.    

2. A Jungle School program in Sumatra that teaches life skills to orphaned orangutans rescued from the pet trade – essentially teaching them ‘how to be an orangutan’ and righting the wrongs that were caused by poachers.

3. The roll-out of household solar units and street lighting for the Tenkile Conservation Alliance in Papua New Guinea, which provides an energy source and lighting for the local community members who actively participate in tree kangaroo protection. This lighting has reduced the need to harvest tree kangaroo habitat timber for fire.

4. The construction of a brand-new accommodation unit in Laos for our partner Free The Bears, which increases capacity for researchers and volunteers at the bear sanctuaries.  


5. Plus, here in our South Perth site, we also see around 300 endangered wild black cockatoos every year and countless other wild native animals who need lifesaving medical care in our Vet Hospital. But this is really just a snapshot!

None of this work would be possible without the community support!

You can help us continue this incredible species-saving work by making a donation here.