Perth Zoo’s Animal Ethics Committee approves any research application that involves animals or animal husbandry at Perth Zoo.
Perth Zoo is required to manage the keeping and use of its animal collection in accordance with the Western Australian Animal Welfare Act 2002 (‘the Act’) and the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes 2013 (‘the Code’).
Accordingly, it has established an Animal Ethics Committee that considers and approves all aspects of research and animal husbandry involving animals at Perth Zoo. The Zoo’s Animal Ethics Committee is constituted in accordance with the requirements set out in the Code and operates in accordance with an approved set of Terms of Reference.
Any proposed research project involving animals at Perth Zoo must have prior written approval from the Animal Ethics Committee (AEC). Prospective researchers and students should be aware that Perth Zoo’s Research and Animal Ethics Committees meet quarterly and that ample time should be allowed to develop, refine and (where necessary) amend proposals in light of comments or direction by either of these committees. Upon receipt of approval from the Zoo’s AEC you may also be required to submit a separate application to your University AEC for their information only.
The Animal Ethics Terms of Reference explains why - and how - the Perth Zoo's Animal Ethics Committee operates.
Animal Ethics Terms of Reference (PDF)
Key Welfare Documents