Welcome to Perth Zoo

Only 10% of Madagascar’s rainforest still exists and wildlife within it is finding it tougher and tougher to survive. With your help, we're working to reverse this destruction and help secure a future for the animals and plants.

How can you help Perth Zoo save the Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur?

Madagascan Fauna and Flora Group work to protect the biodiversity of Parc Ivoloina and Betampona Strict Nature Reserve in East Madagascar. They do this through an integrated approach of conservation action, research, conservation education and capacity building with activities ranging from invasive species control, forest restoration, patrols, awareness-raising activities, and promotion of agroforestry.

Betampona is well known for its incredibly high levels of species diversity and micro-endemicity and is home to over 80 frog species, 11 species of lemur (of which three are Critically Endangered, three Endangered and four Vulnerable in the IUCN’s Red Data List) and includes the Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur that you can see where at Perth Zoo. It also includes over 800 species of plants, 89 species of birds, 69 species of reptiles and much more!
Without proactive efforts to stop deforestation, promote alternate wood sources and adopt sustainable agriculture methods, the Betampona Strict Natural Reserve would likely experience the same fate as most of eastern Madagascar, where rapid deforestation rates persist, even in protected areas.

Help Perth Zoo save wildlife by making a donation today!

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Your donation will help save wildlife locally and globally and create a better zoo.

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