Engage your little wildlife lovers in fun filled hands on activities exploring the wondrous world of animals.
Bio Buddies is a term-based program, encouraging children to make discoveries about the plants and animals at Perth Zoo. The program has been developed for 3 to 5 year olds providing immersive and engaging experiences to foster curiosity, creativity and critical thinking skills.
Children will learn and grow together participating in activities across 8 weeks, exploring biodiversity developing love for nature and lifelong conservation values.
All activities will be skill based, hands-on, interactive and fun!
As part of the Bio Buddies journey, your child will be using a journal, to record their observations and ideas. At the end of each session, a take-home activity will be provided as a bonus (non-compulsory) task. This allows exploration and nature connection to habitats and wildlife at home and local areas.
Each term we will explore a new topic and different animals:
2024 – Monday and Thursday
Caring and Protecting
Discover how Perth Zoo cares for endangered species and ways in which you can help save wildlife too!
Term 1 – Hollows and Burrows
Explore habitats around the world and which locations different animals call home.
Term 2 – Feathers and Fur
Why do some animals have fur and others have scales? Learn about quirky, fascinating animal features and how they are used for survival.
Term 3 – Joeys and Pups
Learn the names of different animal babies and how they are cared for.
Term 4 – Caring and Protecting
Discover how Perth Zoo cares for endangered species and ways in which you can help save wildlife too!
We look forward to seeing you and your little bio buddy! Be sure to read important information about your Bio Buddies session.