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Often travelling in large flocks, the freckled appearance of these birds ensure they don't stand out in a crowd.

Description: The Freckled Duck has a large head and is a dark greyish-brown colour. It is evenly freckled all over with white or buff. Its underwing, belly and tail are slightly lighter, and its beak and legs are black.

Diet: The Freckled Duck is an omnivore and eats crustaceans, plankton and algae. It feeds in shallow water at night using darkness as protection from predators.

Breeding: The Freckled Duck chooses to nest at or near water level and uses woven-together twigs to build the nest. Once completed, it lines the nest with a layer of down. During the early period of incubation, the male Freckled Duck stays with the female but after that it is up to the female to incubate and rear the ducklings.

Threats: Freckled Duck numbers are threatened by the loss of their wetland breeding grounds, changes to river flow, floods, grazing and trampling of wetlands. It is often mistaken for game species and shot by hunters.

Did you Know?

During mating season, the male Freckled Ducks’ bill turns red at the base.

Australian Wetlands
Scientific Name
Stictonetta naevosa
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Body Length
48–59 cm
910 g
28–36 days
Number of Eggs
Freshwater swamps with dense vegetation
extraMile by Integranet