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This bird blindly sweeps its partly-open bill back and forth along the wetland bottom until a snack literally falls in.

Description: The Royal Spoonbill gets its name from its unusual straight bill with a spoon-shaped end. They have white feathers with black bills and legs.

Diet: Royal Spoonbills are carnivores. Their diet consists mainly of fish, but they also eat insects and crustaceans once they have crushed them with the end of their bill.

In the wild: The Royal Spoonbill uses its oddly shaped bill to capture its prey in the water. By swimming along and swaying the bill from side to side under the surface the bird is able to grasp its food. They then eat whatever they catch by throwing their head back, sliding the food down their throat and swallowing.

Threats: Destruction of habitat through land-clearing, increased salinity and flooding are all threats to the Royal Spoonbill. However, artificial wetlands have been beneficial in some areas. They are listed as a vulnerable species in Victoria.

Did you Know?

When they are breeding, the Royal Spoonbill, both male and female, grows white plumes along the nape of the neck about 15 cm long.

Australian Wetlands
Other Name/s
Black-bill Spoonbill
Scientific Name
Platalea regia
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Body Length
75–80 cm
1.4-2 kg
25 days
Number of Eggs
Mainland Australia except dry and arid areas, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand.
Salt and freshwater wetlands
Asia, Australia
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