Whether its bees, birds, or bandicoots, recreating the local bushland in your garden can provide safe spaces for wildlife who have lost habitat!

Our Perth Zoo horticulture team are experts in creating ecosystems that wildlife love – turning the Zoo into an oasis for all creatures great and small.

We got their top tips for creating a wildlife-friendly garden, so you can grow a tree-mendous space to help support local WA wildlife.

Plants and trees for wildlife and bees!

Filling your garden with native plants is great for wildlife, but it can also be great for your wallet!

Natives don’t require expensive soil supplements and fertilisers because they thrive in your area’s natural conditions. A small amount of native slow-release fertiliser added at planting time is often all you will need. After their first summer, most native plants also don’t need much water at all!

Here’s a few of our favourite species to get you started.
Banksias will add a splash of colour, and are well-loved by a range of native bees, birds and small mammals thanks to their nectar-packed flowers!

With over 173 banksia species and flowers blooming in white, yellow, red, and orange, there’s something for every garden.
Want to add a bit of sunshine to your yard? Hibbertias are vibrant yellow buttercups, and they make great ground cover.

Birds and mammals live at all different levels, so a combination of high trees, medium-level shrubs, grasses and ground cover supports a whole a wide range of biodiversity.

Native bees LOVE Australia’s national flower, the Golden Wattle!(or Acacia pycnantha)!

Growing any type of acacia species - there are around 1,000 different types found in Australia-  will help provide fantastic shelter and their seeds are tasty food for local birds.
Gum trees
While they are too large for most suburban gardens, gum trees are fantastic spots for cockatoos! If you have a lot of space, consider adding gum trees to your landscape plan – the high-flyers will thank you.
Large grevilleas are great spaces for big birds, and powerhouse pollinators bees and butterflies!

Also known as spider flowers, this versatile plant has hundreds of species with flowers in red, orange, pink, green, cream and yellow.

Not a green-thumb?

Never fear! Whether you have limited space, time, or planting finesse - there is more you can do for our native animals at home besides growing.
  • Animals love and need water, especially in summer. Bird baths and ponds are great for our feathered friends, insects, amphibians, and more! Be sure to keep them free of electrolytes or sugar rehydration solutions, as they can be harmful to wildlife.
  • Avoid using chemicals and non-organic fertilisers in and around your yard. Wildlife eat insects and plants, so if these are contaminated, they might get sick. Use environmentally friendly alternatives wherever possible.
  • Bee hotels, butterfly boxes, and nesting sites give our native species a safe place to have and raise their young. They are also a fun activity the whole family can enjoy!
  • Keep your yard waste-free. As tasty as our snacks are, human food can cause native animals a world of grief! Ensure your rubbish is well secured, and never feed animals your food. Even foods like honey and peanut butter can be harmful!
  • Protect pets and wildlife, by keeping your pets safely within their own area. Birds, reptiles, and small mammals may see your cat or dog as a predator. Cat-runs, a yard within your yard, or bell collars can be great solutions!
Now you’re on your way to a wildlife friendly garden – Tree-mendous!

Want to learn more about creating a native oasis at home for birds, butterflies, reptiles or frogs? Check out our Fauna-Friendly Garden Guide!